M&T cc 08-09 Race1 Results TEAM POINTS
(Individual results in post under this).
1 Louise Keogh Blackrock A 6
2 Deirdre Maxwell Blackrock A 65
3 Michelle Langan Blackrock A 54
4 Jennifer Lee 0/45 Blackrock A 67
TOTAL: 125
5 Elaine Murray 0/50 Blackrock B
6 Christine Goldrick 0/40 Blackrock B 62
7 Eileen O'Sullivan 0/50 Blackrock B 74
8 Helen Hennessey Blackrock B 68
TOTAL: 204
9 Vivienne Conlon 0/45 Blackrock C 81
10 Angela Leigh-Doyle 0/45 Blackrock C 83
11 Anne Marie Curtain Blackrock C 46
TOTAL: 210
12 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A 2
13 Bronagh Snow Fingallians A 12
19 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A 7
15 Mary Boyle Fingallians A
16 Michelle Walsh Fingallians B 13
17 Ann Marie Dargan Fingallians B 33
18 Catherine Bennett Fingallians B
14 Siobhan McCarty Fingallians B 16
20 Josie Power 0/55 Fingallians C 48
21 Barbara Tobin Fingallians C 51
22 Angela O'Rea Fingallians C 42
23 Paula Murray Fingallians C 57
TOTAL: 141
24 Claire Byrne Fingallians D
25 Nina Donnelly Fingallians D 87
26 Mary Keane 0/50 Fingallians D 85
27 Ciara Lee Fingallians D 88
TOTAL: 260
28 Fiona O'Brien Fingallians E 23
32 Barbara McManus Fingallians E
30 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians E 77
31 Deirdre Farrell Fingallians E 64
TOTAL: 164
29 Noreen Keane 0/45 Fingallians F 90
33 Nuala Walsh Fingallians F
34 Emma Dunne Fingallians F 79
35 Eimear Kelly Fingallians F 89
TOTAL: 258
36 Louisa Nesbitt Donore A 5
37 Karen Behan Donore A 18
38 Maura Kearns Donore A 10
39 Sheilagh Sullivan Donore A 8
40 Edel O'Dea Donore B 39
41 Cathy Shortt Donore B 29
42 Joan McTernan Donore B 38
43 Livia Ruiz Donore B 26
44 Mary Murphy Donore C 63
45 Catherine Murphy Donore C 70
46 Sue Lynch Donore C
47 Gemma Sheils Donore C
TOTAL: Incomplete
48 Crona Brady Sportsworld A 1
49 Stephenie Bergin Sportsworld A 3
50 Edel Madigan Sportsworld A 4
51 Ann Higgins Sportsworld A
52 Ciara Foster Sportsworld B 11
53 Orlagh Jordan Sportsworld B 14
54 Catherine O'Neill Sportsworld B 9
55 Orlagh Fleming Sportsworld B 20
56 Aileen Melody Sportsworld C 43
57 Louise Bruton Sportsworld C 15
58 Breda Browne Sportsworld C
59 Susan McDonnell Sportsworld C 22
60 Louise Courell Sportsworld D 34
61 Sibeal Waldron Sportsworld D 28
62 Kim Masuda Sportsworld D 45
63 Ann Jordan Sportsworld D
TOTAL: 107
64 Anna Delaney Sportsworld E 31
65 Karen O'Connor Sportsworld E 36
66 Eileen Dalton Sportsworld E
67 Cliona O'Riordan Sportsworld E 73
TOTAL: 140
68 Clare Doyle Sportsworld F 55
69 Clare Rowley Sportsworld F 52
70 Laurence Delair Sportsworld F
71 Irene O'Connor Sportsworld F 37
TOTAL: 144
72 Ann Sweeney Sportsworld G 60
73 Tara Quirke Sportsworld G 61
74 Claire Harrington Sportsworld G 58
75 Claire O'Reilly Sportsworld G
TOTAL: 179
76 Louise Flood Sportsworld H 72
77 Claire Jordan Sportsworld H 86
78 Ciara Byrne Sportsworld H 76
79 Yvonne Callis Sportsworld H
TOTAL: 234
80 Grainne Edwards Sportsworld I 84
81 Fiona McManus Sportsworld I 49
82 Petrina Mulroe Sportsworld I 82
83 Mary Dawson Sportsworld I 59
TOTAL: 190
84 Susan Adams 0/40 Tallaght 27
85 Gwen Baker Tallaght 41
86 Peig Dunne 0/35 Tallaght 24
87 Judy Mahon Piranha 35
88 Claire McEntee Piranha 40
89 Emer Mallon Piranha 71
90 Geraldine O'Shea Piranha
TOTAL: 146
91 Freda Comiskey Lucan A 19
92 Nicola Kavanagh Lucan A 21
93 Claire Joyce Lucan A 17
94 Sinead McIntyre Lucan A
95 Bernie Stapleton Lucan B 25
96 Deirdre Counihan Lucan B 32
97 Amber Nugent Lucan B 69
98 Lorraine Heffernan Lucan B
TOTAL: 126
99 Celina Barrett Lucan C 56
100 Noelle Dunne 0/55 Lucan C 80
101 Winifred Ryan Lucan C 78
102 Barbara Whelan 0/50 Lucan C
TOTAL: 214
198 Sarah Heal Crusaders 53
199 Hilary Wright 0/60 Crusaders 91
200 Miriam Edge 0/60 Crusaders 92
Name? Crusaders 44
TOTAL: 188
193 Angela McEvoy Indiv RTE 66
194 Catherine Roode Indiv Fingallians 30
195 Torry Schellhorn Indiv 50
196 Fiona Moloney Indiv 75
197 Bridget O'Sullivan 0/40 Indiv Clonliffe 47
Sunday 14 December 2008
Friday 5 December 2008
Close to a hundred turned out for the first round of the Meet and Train Women's Winter League, held in bitterly cold conditions around the Ballyheary fields in Swords on Sunday November 30.
Host club Fingallians, as well as longtime league supporters Sportsworld, with the largest Meet and Train/Fit for Life groups in the Dublin area, had several teams entered.
Also entered were Meet and Train stalwarts from Lucan, Donore and Blackrock. Back after an absence of a couple of season were Clonliffe Harriers and a team from RTE. Completely new were the girls from Piranha Tri Club.
Up front, Sportsworld's Cronagh Brady came home in 12 mins 18 secs for her first Meet and Train victory. Last spring, in the road series, Cronagh was consistently in the top six and has clearly been training hard since then.
Finishing second was local runner Cindy Hickey of Fingallians in 12 mins 22 secs. Sportsworld pair Stephanie Bergin and Edel Madigan came home in third and fourth place, followed by Donore newcomer Louisa Nesbitt. In sixth place was Blackrock's Louise Keogh.
Meet and Train running began as an informal network designed for women who wanted to get fit for the women's mini marathon. While some came from other sports, most were taking the brave step of trying something completely new.
So if you've only started running - or plan to start in the New Year - Meet and Train is for you! Next two mile run is scheduled for Sunday January 11 in Griffeen Park, Lucan and, as always, all standards are welcome. Groups from the workplace, gym, other sports, charities, or even your local neighbourhood are all invited. Particularly welcome would be women from Fit for Life training groups, set up under a Sports Council initiative in a number of Leinster running clubs.
Individuals who can find no-one to train with are also more than welcome - Meet and Train runs provide a great opportunity for "networking" among women with similar interests.
Other Winter League dates are Sunday February 1 at Tymon Park, when Sportsworld are the hosts and Sunday February 15 in Raheny. All races are two miles, start at 11am and are followed by a welcome cup of tea. Any queries contact Sue Lynch 086 2327570 or visit www.womensmeetandtrain.blogspot.com .
Full results (thanks to Mary Butler of Blackrock)
1 12.18 48 Crona Brady Sportsworld A
2 12.22 12 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A
3 12.31 49 Stephenie Bergin Sportsworld A
4 12.41 50 Edel Madigan Sportsworld A
5 12.43 36 Louisa Nesbitt Donore A
6 12.48 1 Louise Keogh Blackrock A
7 12:50 19 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A
8 13.08 39 Sheilagh Sullivan Donore A
9 13.19 54 Catherine O'Neill Sportsworld B
10 13.24 38 Maura Kearns Donore A
11 13.29 52 Ciara Foster Sportsworld B
12 13.32 13 Bronagh Snow Fingallians A
13 13.4 16 Michelle Walsh Fingallians B
14 13.41 53 Orlagh Jordan Sportsworld B
15 13.44 57 Louise Bruton Sportsworld C
16 13.45 14 Siobhan McCarty Fingallians B
17 13.48 93 Claire Joyce Lucan A
18 13.5 37 Karen Behan Donore A
19 13.53 91 Freda Comiskey Lucan A
20 13.58 55 Orlagh Fleming Sportsworld B
21 14.03 92 Nicola Kavanagh Lucan A
22 14.09 59 Susan McDonnell Sportsworld C
23 14.12 28 Fiona O'Brien Fingallians E
24 14.19 86 Peig Dunne 0/35 Tallaght
25 14.25 95 Bernie Stapleton Lucan B
26 14.28 43 Livia Ruiz Donore B
27 14:30 84 Susan Adams 0/40 Tallaght
28 14.31 61 Sibeal Waldron Sportsworld D
29 14.32 41 Cathy Shortt Donore B
30 14.33 194 Catherine Roode Indiv Fingallians
31 14.36 64 Anna Delaney Sportsworld E
32 14.37 96 Deirdre Counihan Lucan B
33 14.41 17 Ann Marie Dargan Fingallians B
34 14.47 60 Louise Courell Sportsworld D
35 14.49 87 Judy Mahon Piranha
36 14.51 65 Karen O'Connor Sportsworld E
37 14.53 71 Irene O'Connor Sportsworld F
38 14.57 42 Joan McTernan Donore B
39 14.59 40 Edel O'Dea Donore B
40 15:00 88 Claire McEntee Piranha
41 15.06 85 Gwen Baker Tallaght
42 15.07 22 Angela O'Rea Fingallians C
43 15.08 56 Aileen Melody Sportsworld C
44 15.11 Name? Crusaders
45 15.17 62 Kim Masuda Sportsworld D
46 15.18 11 Anne Marie Curtain Blackrock C
47 15.19 197 Bridget O'Sullivan 0/40 Indiv Clonliffe
48 15.21 20 Josie Power Fingallians C 0/55
49 15.23 81 Fiona McManus Sportsworld I
50 15.24 195 Torry Schellhorn Indiv
51 15.27 21 Barbara Tobin Fingallians C
52 15.28 69 Clare Rowley Sportsworld F
53 15.29 198 Sarah Heal Crusaders
54 15.31 3 Michelle Langan Blackrock A
55 15.35 68 Clare Doyle Sportsworld F
56 15.36 99 Celina Barrett Lucan C
57 15.38 23 Paula Murray Fingallians C
58 15.41 74 Claire Harrington Sportsworld G
59 15.45 83 Mary Dawson Sportsworld I
60 15.47 72 Ann Sweeney Sportsworld G
61 15.48 73 Tara Quirke Sportsworld G
62 15.49 6 Christine Goldrick Blackrock B 0/40
63 15.52 44 Mary Murphy Donore C
64 15.54 31 Deirdre Farrell Fingallians E
65 15.54 2 Deirdre Maxwell Blackrock A
66 15.55 193 Angela McEvoy Indiv RTE
67 16.02 4 Jennifer Lee Blackrock A 0/45
68 16.06 8 Helen Hennessey Blackrock B
69 16.08 97 Amber Nugent Lucan B
70 16.15 45 Catherine Murphy Donore C
71 16.26 89 Emer Mallon Piranha
72 16.35 76 Louise Flood Sportsworld H
73 16.39 67 Cliona O'Riordan Sportsworld E
74 16.41 7 Eileen O'Sullivan Blackrock B 0/50
75 16.43 196 Fiona Moloney Indiv
76 16.48 78 Ciara Byrne Sportsworld H
77 17.06 30 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians E
78 17.24 101 Winifred Ryan Lucan C
79 17.41 34 Emma Dunne Fingallians F
80 17.46 100 Noelle Dunne Lucan C 0/55
81 17.5 9 Vivienne Conlon Blackrock C 0/45
82 17.52 82 Petrina Mulroe Sportsworld I
83 18.08 10 Angela Leigh-Doyle Blackrock C 0/45
84 18.28 80 Grainne Edwards Sportsworld I
85 18.45 26 Mary Keane Fingallians D 0/50
86 19 77 Claire Jordan Sportsworld H
87 19.03 25 Nina Donnelly Fingallians D
88 19.05 27 Ciara Lee Fingallians D
89 19.13 35 Eimear Kelly Fingallians F
90 19.15 29 Noreen Keane Fingallians F 0/45
91 19.36 199 Hilary Wright Crusaders 0/60
92 21.29 200 Miriam Edge Crusaders 0/60
Host club Fingallians, as well as longtime league supporters Sportsworld, with the largest Meet and Train/Fit for Life groups in the Dublin area, had several teams entered.
Also entered were Meet and Train stalwarts from Lucan, Donore and Blackrock. Back after an absence of a couple of season were Clonliffe Harriers and a team from RTE. Completely new were the girls from Piranha Tri Club.
Up front, Sportsworld's Cronagh Brady came home in 12 mins 18 secs for her first Meet and Train victory. Last spring, in the road series, Cronagh was consistently in the top six and has clearly been training hard since then.
Finishing second was local runner Cindy Hickey of Fingallians in 12 mins 22 secs. Sportsworld pair Stephanie Bergin and Edel Madigan came home in third and fourth place, followed by Donore newcomer Louisa Nesbitt. In sixth place was Blackrock's Louise Keogh.
Meet and Train running began as an informal network designed for women who wanted to get fit for the women's mini marathon. While some came from other sports, most were taking the brave step of trying something completely new.
So if you've only started running - or plan to start in the New Year - Meet and Train is for you! Next two mile run is scheduled for Sunday January 11 in Griffeen Park, Lucan and, as always, all standards are welcome. Groups from the workplace, gym, other sports, charities, or even your local neighbourhood are all invited. Particularly welcome would be women from Fit for Life training groups, set up under a Sports Council initiative in a number of Leinster running clubs.
Individuals who can find no-one to train with are also more than welcome - Meet and Train runs provide a great opportunity for "networking" among women with similar interests.
Other Winter League dates are Sunday February 1 at Tymon Park, when Sportsworld are the hosts and Sunday February 15 in Raheny. All races are two miles, start at 11am and are followed by a welcome cup of tea. Any queries contact Sue Lynch 086 2327570 or visit www.womensmeetandtrain.blogspot.com .
Full results (thanks to Mary Butler of Blackrock)
1 12.18 48 Crona Brady Sportsworld A
2 12.22 12 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A
3 12.31 49 Stephenie Bergin Sportsworld A
4 12.41 50 Edel Madigan Sportsworld A
5 12.43 36 Louisa Nesbitt Donore A
6 12.48 1 Louise Keogh Blackrock A
7 12:50 19 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A
8 13.08 39 Sheilagh Sullivan Donore A
9 13.19 54 Catherine O'Neill Sportsworld B
10 13.24 38 Maura Kearns Donore A
11 13.29 52 Ciara Foster Sportsworld B
12 13.32 13 Bronagh Snow Fingallians A
13 13.4 16 Michelle Walsh Fingallians B
14 13.41 53 Orlagh Jordan Sportsworld B
15 13.44 57 Louise Bruton Sportsworld C
16 13.45 14 Siobhan McCarty Fingallians B
17 13.48 93 Claire Joyce Lucan A
18 13.5 37 Karen Behan Donore A
19 13.53 91 Freda Comiskey Lucan A
20 13.58 55 Orlagh Fleming Sportsworld B
21 14.03 92 Nicola Kavanagh Lucan A
22 14.09 59 Susan McDonnell Sportsworld C
23 14.12 28 Fiona O'Brien Fingallians E
24 14.19 86 Peig Dunne 0/35 Tallaght
25 14.25 95 Bernie Stapleton Lucan B
26 14.28 43 Livia Ruiz Donore B
27 14:30 84 Susan Adams 0/40 Tallaght
28 14.31 61 Sibeal Waldron Sportsworld D
29 14.32 41 Cathy Shortt Donore B
30 14.33 194 Catherine Roode Indiv Fingallians
31 14.36 64 Anna Delaney Sportsworld E
32 14.37 96 Deirdre Counihan Lucan B
33 14.41 17 Ann Marie Dargan Fingallians B
34 14.47 60 Louise Courell Sportsworld D
35 14.49 87 Judy Mahon Piranha
36 14.51 65 Karen O'Connor Sportsworld E
37 14.53 71 Irene O'Connor Sportsworld F
38 14.57 42 Joan McTernan Donore B
39 14.59 40 Edel O'Dea Donore B
40 15:00 88 Claire McEntee Piranha
41 15.06 85 Gwen Baker Tallaght
42 15.07 22 Angela O'Rea Fingallians C
43 15.08 56 Aileen Melody Sportsworld C
44 15.11 Name? Crusaders
45 15.17 62 Kim Masuda Sportsworld D
46 15.18 11 Anne Marie Curtain Blackrock C
47 15.19 197 Bridget O'Sullivan 0/40 Indiv Clonliffe
48 15.21 20 Josie Power Fingallians C 0/55
49 15.23 81 Fiona McManus Sportsworld I
50 15.24 195 Torry Schellhorn Indiv
51 15.27 21 Barbara Tobin Fingallians C
52 15.28 69 Clare Rowley Sportsworld F
53 15.29 198 Sarah Heal Crusaders
54 15.31 3 Michelle Langan Blackrock A
55 15.35 68 Clare Doyle Sportsworld F
56 15.36 99 Celina Barrett Lucan C
57 15.38 23 Paula Murray Fingallians C
58 15.41 74 Claire Harrington Sportsworld G
59 15.45 83 Mary Dawson Sportsworld I
60 15.47 72 Ann Sweeney Sportsworld G
61 15.48 73 Tara Quirke Sportsworld G
62 15.49 6 Christine Goldrick Blackrock B 0/40
63 15.52 44 Mary Murphy Donore C
64 15.54 31 Deirdre Farrell Fingallians E
65 15.54 2 Deirdre Maxwell Blackrock A
66 15.55 193 Angela McEvoy Indiv RTE
67 16.02 4 Jennifer Lee Blackrock A 0/45
68 16.06 8 Helen Hennessey Blackrock B
69 16.08 97 Amber Nugent Lucan B
70 16.15 45 Catherine Murphy Donore C
71 16.26 89 Emer Mallon Piranha
72 16.35 76 Louise Flood Sportsworld H
73 16.39 67 Cliona O'Riordan Sportsworld E
74 16.41 7 Eileen O'Sullivan Blackrock B 0/50
75 16.43 196 Fiona Moloney Indiv
76 16.48 78 Ciara Byrne Sportsworld H
77 17.06 30 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians E
78 17.24 101 Winifred Ryan Lucan C
79 17.41 34 Emma Dunne Fingallians F
80 17.46 100 Noelle Dunne Lucan C 0/55
81 17.5 9 Vivienne Conlon Blackrock C 0/45
82 17.52 82 Petrina Mulroe Sportsworld I
83 18.08 10 Angela Leigh-Doyle Blackrock C 0/45
84 18.28 80 Grainne Edwards Sportsworld I
85 18.45 26 Mary Keane Fingallians D 0/50
86 19 77 Claire Jordan Sportsworld H
87 19.03 25 Nina Donnelly Fingallians D
88 19.05 27 Ciara Lee Fingallians D
89 19.13 35 Eimear Kelly Fingallians F
90 19.15 29 Noreen Keane Fingallians F 0/45
91 19.36 199 Hilary Wright Crusaders 0/60
92 21.29 200 Miriam Edge Crusaders 0/60
Monday 17 November 2008
Kearney Memorial 2 Mile, Santry
Well done to Kathryn Walley and her Clonliffe team on a lovely race on the tarmac path through the grounds of Santry.
As hoped, quite a few Meet & Train groups supported the race as a warm-up for the Winter League which starts on November 30 in Swords.
There was a particularly large group from Fingallians, led home by Cindy Hickey in tenth place, with Bronagh Snow 24th, Siobhan McCarthy 31st, Cathering Bennette 39th, Anne Marie Gargan 40th, and a big gang - Mary Keane, Ciara Lee, Nina Donnelly, Freda Sally, Nuala Walsh - coming in more or less together; plus newcomer Clare Byrne, who finished with the Crusaders crew. Christina McGoldrick and Jennifer Lee from Blackrock were two other familiar faces, plus members of Donore, Tallaght, Rathfarnham WSAF and, of course, Clonliffe.
On the sidelines, Dave Hudson was busily snapping away, so here are a few of his photos. Full results on the Clonliffe Harriers website.
Saturday 8 November 2008
This Years Cross Country Winter League Dates......
Sunday November 30th, Swords
Sunday January 11th, Lucan
Sunday February 1st, Tymon Park
Sunday February 15th, Raheny
All races are two miles and start @11am. Any queries contact Sue Lynch 086 2327570 OR visit www.womensmeetandtrain.blogspot.com
Sunday November 30th, Swords
Sunday January 11th, Lucan
Sunday February 1st, Tymon Park
Sunday February 15th, Raheny
All races are two miles and start @11am. Any queries contact Sue Lynch 086 2327570 OR visit www.womensmeetandtrain.blogspot.com
Monday 29 September 2008
Meet and Train groups and individuals are invited to take part in the Ann and Caroline Kearney Memorial two-mile run at Santry on Saturday November 15 (2.0).
The race, in the grounds behind Morton Stadium, is an ideal warm-up for the M&T Winter League which will start on Sunday November 23 (11am) at Swords (Fingallians GAA is HQ) . Other dates are January 11 at Lucan, February 1, Tymon and February 15, Raheny.
Not only does the Santry race remember former members Ann and Caroline Kearney, two of the pioneers of Irish triathlon, but it also celebrates 45 years of women’s running at Clonliffe Harriers. Prizes go to the top ten finishers, plus juniors and masters; all standards are welcome.
Also scheduled is a 800m run for former and current members – so if you’ve ever competed in the black and amber, get in touch now! Details 087-684662/087-2475321; www.clonliffeharriers.com.
The race, in the grounds behind Morton Stadium, is an ideal warm-up for the M&T Winter League which will start on Sunday November 23 (11am) at Swords (Fingallians GAA is HQ) . Other dates are January 11 at Lucan, February 1, Tymon and February 15, Raheny.
Not only does the Santry race remember former members Ann and Caroline Kearney, two of the pioneers of Irish triathlon, but it also celebrates 45 years of women’s running at Clonliffe Harriers. Prizes go to the top ten finishers, plus juniors and masters; all standards are welcome.
Also scheduled is a 800m run for former and current members – so if you’ve ever competed in the black and amber, get in touch now! Details 087-684662/087-2475321; www.clonliffeharriers.com.
Monday 22 September 2008
Meeting Monday 22 September
M&T meeting Monday September 22 at Donore 8pm. All welcome to discuss format for winter and summer leagues to come and the setting up of small committee of maybe three - secretary, treasurer, race co-ordinator.
See below for interesting comments from Christina of Blackrock AC:
I think that it's a great idea to incorporate the Sportsworld 5 and the
mini-marathon into the series. Also, I've been to some BHAA races
outside Dublin (including one in Maynooth and one in a little town in
Kildare) and don't see any reason not to bring the M&T outside Dublin from time to
time - it's definitely easy to get out early on a weekend morning, I'm sure
there are lots of us who are willing to give lifts to people from our own
clubs & other clubs, and it would add a whole new level of interest to the
(Could be an idea to check with club members & see if our informal
transport arrangements work for everyone involved in the league, or whether a
car pool system organised via the website might be useful? I don't know, as
transport isn't a problem for me...).
It would be fabulous to do the track events again - I absolutely
loved that, and Crusaders were fabulous to organise it. Maybe we could get more
volunteers like yourself/Paddy/Duncan organised in advance so that the
Crusaders girls don't have to miss out so much. I can't be the only
one with a husband/boyfriend/friend able to help out once in a while.
As regards the difficulty of finding suitable roads, could the Summer
league include some cross country or beach runs? The main thing we're all
looking for is a good race - I don't think the surface matters all that much.
Lots of people prefer running on grass anyway... There was a cross country
that we did in Malahide Castle one summer (May, I think), and the ground
was so good it might as well have been a road race.
Duncan suggests Howth summit as a potential race venue - could be
interesting as we never do hill runs - but I'm guessing the league might
have difficulty getting access to it.
Can we piggy-back on some of the charity runs that occur during the
year, too? M&T is one of those things that can be happening in your back
yard & you just don't notice - if teams came out to those races, we would
raise the profile of the M&T and give the charities that organise those races a
boost with the extra runners the M&T would bring out. To be honest, I don't
know much about the non-M&T, non-BHAA races, so I don't know if that's a
viable option...
See below for interesting comments from Christina of Blackrock AC:
I think that it's a great idea to incorporate the Sportsworld 5 and the
mini-marathon into the series. Also, I've been to some BHAA races
outside Dublin (including one in Maynooth and one in a little town in
Kildare) and don't see any reason not to bring the M&T outside Dublin from time to
time - it's definitely easy to get out early on a weekend morning, I'm sure
there are lots of us who are willing to give lifts to people from our own
clubs & other clubs, and it would add a whole new level of interest to the
(Could be an idea to check with club members & see if our informal
transport arrangements work for everyone involved in the league, or whether a
car pool system organised via the website might be useful? I don't know, as
transport isn't a problem for me...).
It would be fabulous to do the track events again - I absolutely
loved that, and Crusaders were fabulous to organise it. Maybe we could get more
volunteers like yourself/Paddy/Duncan organised in advance so that the
Crusaders girls don't have to miss out so much. I can't be the only
one with a husband/boyfriend/friend able to help out once in a while.
As regards the difficulty of finding suitable roads, could the Summer
league include some cross country or beach runs? The main thing we're all
looking for is a good race - I don't think the surface matters all that much.
Lots of people prefer running on grass anyway... There was a cross country
that we did in Malahide Castle one summer (May, I think), and the ground
was so good it might as well have been a road race.
Duncan suggests Howth summit as a potential race venue - could be
interesting as we never do hill runs - but I'm guessing the league might
have difficulty getting access to it.
Can we piggy-back on some of the charity runs that occur during the
year, too? M&T is one of those things that can be happening in your back
yard & you just don't notice - if teams came out to those races, we would
raise the profile of the M&T and give the charities that organise those races a
boost with the extra runners the M&T would bring out. To be honest, I don't
know much about the non-M&T, non-BHAA races, so I don't know if that's a
viable option...
Tuesday 9 September 2008
M&T - A Brave New World?
Earlier this summer we had a meeting with Ryan Montgomery of AAI concerning a revamp of the Meet & Train Series of winter and summer races for women.
Time is ticking past and we urgently need to fix a date for a general meeting of all clubs and groups associated with M&T and Fit for Life. Possible dates are a Monday or Tuesday in Donore - ie, 15/16 Sept, 22/23 Sept, if any of these dates suit.
Here is the background (Apologies for the length):
For the past 20 years or so, M&T races have consisted of :
Winter - 4 x 2 mile cross-county races from Nov to Mar, depending on dates available. Venues are usually: Swords (Fingallians) , Tymon Park (Sportsworld) , Phoenix Park (Donore) , St Anne's Park (Raheny Shamrocks) and Griffeen Park (Lucan Harriers). We have also used Santry (Clonliffe) and Irishtown (Crusaders)
Summer - 3 built-up races to the mini marathon consisting of 2 mile, 3 mile and four mile runs; in the past we also had the Fingal 8k to round it off. Because of increasing volumes of traffic, finding suitable roads has become difficult. Venues this year were Griffeen Park Lucan, which has new tarmacadam paths and the Phoenix Park. Dunboyne also offered to host a race. Venues used in the past included Templeogue, Tallaght, Dalkey and Raheny.
A successful addition to the calendar in 2007 was a Meet & Train track meet at Irishtown, organised by Crusaders.
What we have to do:
1 Get more clubs and groups in involved, particularly Fit for Life groups operating in the greater Dublin area. For example, there is a new running group in Donadea, Co Kildare, which is organising a 10k on Oct 11. This would make a lovely venue for a M&T race. There is also a running group based in the Curragh. Wicklow also has some nice venues, with running clubs operating in Bray, Greystones and Kilcoole, as has Meath (Dunboyne, Navan, Dunshaughlin, Enfield) .
2 Find more venues. Marlay Park is one option, with DSD willing to give it a go. Any other ideas? Dun Laoghaire pier was one - possibly very early on a Sunday morning! We have never used parks like Malahide and Newbridge. Maybe even stretch as far as Westmeath, which is only an hour away on a Sunday morning (Belvedere House outside Mullingar is gorgeous).
Winter League - possible dates (2 in Nov; 2 after Xmas):
Sun 16 Nov
Sun 23 Nov
Sun 30 Nov
(No dates yet for AAI Races after Xmas).
Sun 18 Jan 2009
Sun 8 Feb
Sun 15 Feb
Sun 22 Feb
Final race to include prizegiving, if possible.
Summer League - for major re-vamp. Series to incorporate the Sportsworld 5 and the mini marathon itself, with team captains assembling times places from the published results of these two races, ie, no extra work for either Sportsworld or the WMM office!)
Possible dates (Easter is April 12) :
Wed 8 April M&T 2 Mile
Sun 26 April M&T 3 mile
Wed 13 May M&T 4 Mile, Phoenix Park, 7.45pm
Sun 24 May Dublin 5 Mile Classic (Sportsworld)
Mon 1 June Flora WMM 10k
Followed by track evening and prizegiving, Fri Jun 5?
Other items for discussion:
- Entry fees for the two series.
- Relationships with adidas re prizes/numbers.
- Eligibility of runners once they improve beyond M&T or FFL standards.
- Establishment of small committee to supervise series and call two meetings a year.
- Website/blog.
- Results.
Please pass on to your members for discussion before the proposed meeting; hopefully we will have news of a date soon.
Time is ticking past and we urgently need to fix a date for a general meeting of all clubs and groups associated with M&T and Fit for Life. Possible dates are a Monday or Tuesday in Donore - ie, 15/16 Sept, 22/23 Sept, if any of these dates suit.
Here is the background (Apologies for the length):
For the past 20 years or so, M&T races have consisted of :
Winter - 4 x 2 mile cross-county races from Nov to Mar, depending on dates available. Venues are usually: Swords (Fingallians) , Tymon Park (Sportsworld) , Phoenix Park (Donore) , St Anne's Park (Raheny Shamrocks) and Griffeen Park (Lucan Harriers). We have also used Santry (Clonliffe) and Irishtown (Crusaders)
Summer - 3 built-up races to the mini marathon consisting of 2 mile, 3 mile and four mile runs; in the past we also had the Fingal 8k to round it off. Because of increasing volumes of traffic, finding suitable roads has become difficult. Venues this year were Griffeen Park Lucan, which has new tarmacadam paths and the Phoenix Park. Dunboyne also offered to host a race. Venues used in the past included Templeogue, Tallaght, Dalkey and Raheny.
A successful addition to the calendar in 2007 was a Meet & Train track meet at Irishtown, organised by Crusaders.
What we have to do:
1 Get more clubs and groups in involved, particularly Fit for Life groups operating in the greater Dublin area. For example, there is a new running group in Donadea, Co Kildare, which is organising a 10k on Oct 11. This would make a lovely venue for a M&T race. There is also a running group based in the Curragh. Wicklow also has some nice venues, with running clubs operating in Bray, Greystones and Kilcoole, as has Meath (Dunboyne, Navan, Dunshaughlin, Enfield) .
2 Find more venues. Marlay Park is one option, with DSD willing to give it a go. Any other ideas? Dun Laoghaire pier was one - possibly very early on a Sunday morning! We have never used parks like Malahide and Newbridge. Maybe even stretch as far as Westmeath, which is only an hour away on a Sunday morning (Belvedere House outside Mullingar is gorgeous).
Winter League - possible dates (2 in Nov; 2 after Xmas):
Sun 16 Nov
Sun 23 Nov
Sun 30 Nov
(No dates yet for AAI Races after Xmas).
Sun 18 Jan 2009
Sun 8 Feb
Sun 15 Feb
Sun 22 Feb
Final race to include prizegiving, if possible.
Summer League - for major re-vamp. Series to incorporate the Sportsworld 5 and the mini marathon itself, with team captains assembling times places from the published results of these two races, ie, no extra work for either Sportsworld or the WMM office!)
Possible dates (Easter is April 12) :
Wed 8 April M&T 2 Mile
Sun 26 April M&T 3 mile
Wed 13 May M&T 4 Mile, Phoenix Park, 7.45pm
Sun 24 May Dublin 5 Mile Classic (Sportsworld)
Mon 1 June Flora WMM 10k
Followed by track evening and prizegiving, Fri Jun 5?
Other items for discussion:
- Entry fees for the two series.
- Relationships with adidas re prizes/numbers.
- Eligibility of runners once they improve beyond M&T or FFL standards.
- Establishment of small committee to supervise series and call two meetings a year.
- Website/blog.
- Results.
Please pass on to your members for discussion before the proposed meeting; hopefully we will have news of a date soon.
Sunday 1 June 2008
Hi to one and all...
Our Blackrock club mate and talented athlete Mary Butler has been very unfortunate this week. She went over on her foot while on a training run on Wednesday evening, and broke a bone in her ankle. Her foot is in plaster since Friday.
Mary Butler is one of an elite group of athletes who has competed in ALL 25 WOMEN'S MINI MARATHONS (Betty Behan, our other club mate from Blackrock AC, holds this distinction also).
Most unfortunate for Mary, and truly my heart goes out to Mary at this present time...However, she may turn up on the day being pushed in a wheelchair so that she can maintain her record and fulfil her charity commitment.
Best of good luck to all competing in Monday's Women's Mini Marathon.
Yours in Sport
Patricia Craddock-Smith
PS: Special good luck also to Mary O Colmain of Crusaders, another of the mini marathon "completists" who had a bad ski accident earlier this year, resulting in knee surgery. Unlike Mary B, Mary O C is out of plaster and hopes to hobble around the course on Monday.
Our Blackrock club mate and talented athlete Mary Butler has been very unfortunate this week. She went over on her foot while on a training run on Wednesday evening, and broke a bone in her ankle. Her foot is in plaster since Friday.
Mary Butler is one of an elite group of athletes who has competed in ALL 25 WOMEN'S MINI MARATHONS (Betty Behan, our other club mate from Blackrock AC, holds this distinction also).
Most unfortunate for Mary, and truly my heart goes out to Mary at this present time...However, she may turn up on the day being pushed in a wheelchair so that she can maintain her record and fulfil her charity commitment.
Best of good luck to all competing in Monday's Women's Mini Marathon.
Yours in Sport
Patricia Craddock-Smith
PS: Special good luck also to Mary O Colmain of Crusaders, another of the mini marathon "completists" who had a bad ski accident earlier this year, resulting in knee surgery. Unlike Mary B, Mary O C is out of plaster and hopes to hobble around the course on Monday.
Monday 26 May 2008

Hi ALL ,
Well another series has come and gone but not without its troubles. Many thanks to LUCAN for bailing us out and hosting 2 races . We need to nail down dates and venues much earlier on. .We need to sit down together as a group and sort this out, so after the mini marathon we will pick a date and meet .Thanks again to LUCAN , DONORE for hosting races .Thanks to PATRICIA , PADDY , DUNCAN from Blackrock who always help out also DOLORES from Fingallians. Sportsworld gave a great hand out in Lucan but I've forgotten who exactly.
HARRY GORMAN from Donore started the races and last Wednesday, swept horse droppings off the course; above and beyond the call of duty !!!!
DAVE HUDSON from Donore and BRENDAN MAHER did great work marking the courses and providing stewards.
Hope that covers you all. See you soon for the meeting , singlets and prize vouchers.
Sunday 25 May 2008

Here are the provisional team totals from the M&T Summer League. Plus the individual results which show that Manuelle Ratte of Crusaders (pictured above) , a loyal supporter of M&T running for some years now, is one of only two to have run all three races. Thanks to Mary B of Blackrock for putting this together. All corrections to Sue Lynch.
SPORTSWORLD A 58 (18, 13, 27 )
1231 Ann Higgins 8 9 11
1232 Ciara Foster 6 4 8
1233 Lorna Quinn 1 1 -
1234 Eileen Dalton 10 13 14
1235 Crona Brady 3 5 7
1236 Stephanie Bergin - 3 1
FINGALLIANS A 112 pts (24, 47, 41)
1201 Ann Ormsby 2 2 2
1202 Cindy Hickey 5 - 10
1203 Bronagh Snow 0/40 4 7 12
1204 Bernie Corrie 0/45 13 18 17
1205 Catherine Bennett 21 20 18
1206 Josie Power 0/55 36 35 45
SPORTSWORLD C 300 ( 106, 105, 89)
1243 Jenny Maher 46 51 60
1244 Susan McDonnell 14 29
1245 Anna Delaney 22 25 27
1246 Ann Jordan 24 23 30
1247 Laurence Delair 47 52 57
1248 Edel 6 3
LUCAN B 303 (89, 110, 104)
1264 Deirdre Counihan 0/40 27 32 26
1265 Bernie Stapleton 0/35 17 15 21
1266 Freda Comiskey 0/35 12 15
1267 Lorraine Heffernan 0/35 34 29 42
1268 Ursula Maher 33 34
LUCAN A 349 (106, 124, 119)
1258 Derval McCarthy 0/40 7 8 9
1259 Emer McCarthy 0/40 32 28 33
1260 Eithne Reid 0/40 25 24
1261 Amber Nugent 41
1262 Brid Fogarty 42 47 53
1263 Maisie McGlone 0/40 50 56
FINGALLIANS B 416 (139, 119, 158)
1207 Anne Marie Dargan 31 32
1208 Siobhan Walsh 38 43
1209 Barbara Tobin 0/40 29 26
1210 Therese Wall 0/50 39 44
1211 Barbara McManus 43 45 46
1212 Karen Morris 0/40 28 24 37
BLACKROCK A 421 (169, 143, 109)
1225 Louise Keogh 0/35 6
1226 Mary Butler 0/50 16 17 22
1227 Jennifer Lee 0/45 66 55 41
1228 Michelle ni Aoidh 35 37
1229 Helen Hennessy 52 46 52
1230 Michelle Langan 43 40
FINGALLIANS C 521 (167, 168, 186)
1213 Sinead Flanagan 51 58 56
1214 Paula Murray 30 30 39
1215 Linda Murray 0/40 48 53 54
1216 Angela O'Dea 38 27 38
1217 Sarah Evans 61 58
1218 Nicky McKay 60 55
LUCAN C 729 (222, 238, 269)
1269 Patricia Daly 0/40 49 57 63
1270 Ann McGee 0/60 57 63 67
1271 Barbara Whelan 0/45 64 79
1272 Winifred Ryan 53 70 75
1273 Susie Devaney 0/45 63 73 81
1274 Adrienne Sweeney 48 64
1219 Sue Cullen 42
1220 Lorraine Friel 54
1221 Ciara Lee 67 76 84
1222 Debbie O'Dea 56 62 68
1223 Barbara Walsh 61 66 69
1224 Deirdre Shiels 0/40 65
TOTAL 249 224 Incomplete
1237 Linda Killeen 31
1238 Aileen Melody 26 22 34
1239 Louise Bruton 9 11
1240 Orla Jordan 11 12 13
1241 Kim Masuda 23 21 25
1242 Sarah McAteer 15 14
TOTAL: 58 58 Incomplete
1249 Yvonne Callis 58 72
1250 Catherine Gilmore 40
1251 Catherine O'Neill 16 16
1252 Karen O'Connor 23
1253 Maura Maughan 77
TOTAL: Incomplete 205 Incomplete
1254 Sue Lynch 45 50 51
1255 Christine Sweeney 20 19 20
1256 Livia Ruiz 19
1257 Jill Dempsey 18
TOTAL: 102 Incomplete Incomplete
1275 Ann Murtagh 54 59 59
1276 Olivia Thomas 69
1277 Siobhan O'Connor 60 78
1278 Nicola Daly 40 36
1279 Sile McIntyre 44
1280 Sinead McIntyre 33 72
TOTAL: 223 Incomplete 253
1449 Manuelle Ratte Crusaders 68 78 83
1450 Maeve Hughes, Unattached 62
1451 Angela McEvoy Unattached 37
1452 Deirdre Maxwell Blackrock 0/35 44
1453 Ro Charlton Lucan 0/35 41
1454 Noelle Dunne Lucan 0/55 59 69 71
1455 Nina Farr Lucan 55
1456 Marie Ryan, Fingallians 75
1457 Carina McGoldrick, Lucan 64
1458 Hilary McGee, Lucan 10
1459 Anne Butler 65
1460 Bernie Doyle, Lucan 49
1461 Hilary Wright, 0/55 Crusaders 74 82
1462 Aoife Reilly, Liffey Valley 39
1463 Carol Searle, Lucan 68 74
1464 Shauna Griffin, Fingallians 67 65
Delia Ho, Crusaders 71
1465 Claire Jordan 80
1466 Sheelagh Sullivan, Donore 19
1467 Mary Murphy, Donore 50
1468 Cliona O'Riordan, Sportsworld 61
1469 Emer Fay, Donore 35
1470 Mary Louise McLaughlin, Donore 31
1471 Norma Harnody, Donore 5
1472 Rosemary O'Brien, Belfield 28
1473 Edel Reilly, Sportsworld 4
1474 Jacinta Shinnick 49
1475 Audrai O'Driscoll 66
1476 Myra Nolan, Lucan 36
1477 Joan McManus, Donore 47
1478 Claire White 77
1479 Mairead White 76
1480 Jennith Aclan, Lucan 73
1481 Eileen Rowland 62
1482 Christina Goldrick, Blackrock 48
1483 Sinead Guilfoyle, Blackrock 0/45 70
Thursday 22 May 2008

Just when the last few runners were heading into the finish straight on the Furze Road in the Phoenix Park, a light drizzle started to fall.
For the first time in a few years, we were not frozen and soaked through at the final four mile run in the annual Meet & Train Summer League, which builds up to the Women's Mini Marathon!
Upfront, Stephanie Bergin of Sportsworld was winning her first M&T race, clocking a time of 24 mins 39 seconds. Anne Ormsby of Fingallians was again second, followed by another pair of SW runners - Edel Madigan and Edel Kelly.
Norma Harnedy in fifth place gave host club Donore their first top ten placing of the series, while sixth was Deirdre Shields of Fingallians. Full results will be sorted out over the next day or so, with the prize presentation taking part in a conjunction with a special get-together to discuss the future of the Meet & Train Leagues.
With well over 80 turning out this was the best attended race of the year - and hopefully we can get over the hundred again soon, with the support not only of Sportsworld, Fingallians, Lucan, Blackrock, Donore and Crusaders but also of Clonliffe, Tallaght, Dunboyne, Raheny and other groups.
* Thanks to the catering staff in Donore Sportscentre - the cup of tea was most welcome.
Full individual results:
1 1236 Stephanie Bergin Sportsworld A 24.39
2 1201 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A 24:50
3 1248 Edel Madigan Sportsworld C 25:20
4 1473 Edel Reilly Sportsworld Indiv 25.34
5 1471 Norma Harnody Donore Indiv 25.38
6 1225 Louise Keogh 0/35 Blackrock A 25:40
7 1235 Crona Brady Sportsworld A 25.45
8 1232 Ciara Foster Sportsworld A 25.58
9 1258 Derval McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A 26.02
10 1202 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A 26.07
11 1231 Ann Higgins Sportsworld A 26.12
12 1203 Bronagh Snow 0/40 Fingallians A 16.17
13 1240 Orla Jordan Sportsworld B 26:20
14 1234 Eileen Dalton Sportsworld A 26.25
15 1266 Freda Comiskey 0/35 Lucan B 27.11
16 1251 Catherine O'Neill Sportsworld D 27.17
17 1204 Bernie Corrie 0/45 Fingallians A 27:40
18 1205 Catherine Bennett Fingallians A 27.41
19 1466 Sheelagh Sullivan Donore Indiv 27.48
20 1255 Christine Sweeney Donore A 27.53
21 1265 Bernie Stapleton 0/35 Lucan B 28:10
22 1226 Mary Butler 0/50 Blackrock A 28.17
23 1252 Karen O'Connor Sportsworld D 28:24
24 1260 Eithne Reid 0/40 Lucan A 28:30
25 1241 Kim Masuda Sportsworld B 28:35
26 1264 Deirdre Counihan 0/40 Lucan B 28:40
27 1245 Anna Delaney Sportsworld C 28:46
28 1472 Rosemary O'Brien Belfield Indiv 28.53
29 1244 Susan McDonnell Sportsworld C 29.04
30 1246 Ann Jordan Sportsworld C 29.05
31 1470 Mary Louise McLaughlin, Donore Donore Indiv 29.08
32 1207 Anne Marie Dargan Fingallians B 29.09
33 1259 Emer McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A 29.12
34 1238 Aileen Melody Sportsworld B 29.17
35 1469 Emer Fay Donore Indiv 29.18
36 1476 Myra Nolan Lucan Indiv 29:30
37 1212 Karen Morris 0/40 Fingallians B 29:43
38 1216 Angela O'Dea Fingallians C 29.49
39 1214 Paula Murray Fingallians C 29.59
40 1230 Michelle Langan Blackrock A 30.24
41 1227 Jennifer Lee 0/45 Blackrock A 30.27
42 1267 Lorraine Heffernan0/35 Lucan B 30.45
43 1208 Siobhan Walsh Fingallians B 30.59
44 1279 Sile McIntyre Lucan D 31.07
45 1206 Josie Power 0/55 Fingallians A 31.09
46 1211 Barbara McManus Fingallians B 31.41
47 1477 Joan McManus Donore Indiv 31.41
48 1482 Christina Goldrick Blackrock Indiv 31.44
49 1474 Jacinta Shinnick Indiv 31.53
50 1467 Mary Murphy Donore Indiv 32:00
51 1254 Sue Lynch Donore A 32.12
52 1229 Helen Hennessy Blackrock A 32.37
53 1262 Brid Fogarty Lucan A 32.38
54 1215 Linda Murray 0/40 Fingallians C 32.41
55 1218 Nicky McKay Fingallians C 33.01
56 1213 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians C 33.11
57 1247 Laurence Delair Sportsworld C 33.16
58 1217 Sarah Evans Fingallians C 33.19
59 1275 Ann Murtagh Lucan D 33.22
60 1243 Jenny Maher Sportsworld C 33.25
61 1468 Cliona O'Riordan Sportsworld Indiv 33.29
62 1481 Eileen Rowland Indiv 33.41
63 1269 Patricia Daly 0/40 Lucan C 33.56
64 1274 Adrienne Sweeney Lucan C 34.03
65 1464 Shauna Griffin Fingallians Indiv 34.22
66 1475 Audrai O'Driscoll Indiv 34.43
67 1270 Ann McGee 0/60 Lucan C 34.45
68 1222 Debbie O'Dea Fingallians D 34.55
69 1223 Mary Keane 0/50 Fingallians D 35.07
70 1483 Sinead Guilfoyle 0/45 Blackrock Indiv 35.45
71 1454 Noelle Dunne 0/55 Lucan Indiv 36:10
72 1280 Sinead McIntyre Lucan D 36.25
73 1480 Jennith Aclan Lucan Indiv 36.27
74 1463 Carol Searle Lucan Indiv 36.39
75 1272 Winifred Ryan Lucan C 36.51
76 1479 Mairead White Indiv 36.55
77 1478 Claire White 36.55
78 1277 Siobhan O'Connor Lucan D 37.21
79 1271 Barbara Whelan 0/45 Lucan C 37.23
80 1465 Claire Jordan Indiv 37.26
81 1273 Susie Devaney 0/45 Lucan C 37.42
82 1461 Hilary Wright, 0/55 Crusaders Indiv 37.55
83 1449 Manuelle Ratte Crusaders Indiv 41.33
84 1221 Ciara Lee Fingallians D 42.02
Thursday 8 May 2008


Lorna Quinn of Sportsworld made it two from two in the Meet & Train Summer League round two race at Lucan over three miles.
By clever use of the new tarmac paths in Griffeen Park, Lucan Harriers had devised a new one lap route around the park, which was tough but won universal approval. What a relief not having to dodge the traffic!
Lorna had Winter League winner Anne Ormsby of Fingallians for company in the first half of the race, but then pulled away to win in a time of 18 mins 57 secs - 6.20 minute miling.
Anne was second in 19.17, with Stephanie Bergin of Sportsworld third. Most impressive sprint finish came from Delia Ho of Belfield/Crusaders, who has only started training in a past few weeks.
Final Summer League Round over 4 miles is in the Phoenix Park (Furze Road) on Wed May 21 (7.45pm). Race HQ is the Donore Sports Centre in Chapelizod, a ten minute jog away. Walkers are welcome and (provisionally) will set off at 7.30. Info Sue Lynch at 086-2327570.
* Pictures now at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindie/sets/72157605001331385/
M&T Road LUCAN 3m Individual Results
PLACE Race No Name Team Time
1 1233 Lorna Quinn Sportsworld A
2 1201 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A
3 1236 Stephanie Bergin Sportsworld A
4 1232 Ciara Foster Sportsworld A
5 1235 Crona Brady Sportsworld A
6 1248 Edel Sportsworld C
7 1203 Bronagh Snow 0/40 Fingallians A
8 1258 Derval McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A
9 1231 Ann Higgins Sportsworld A
10 1458 Hilary McGee Individual Lucan
11 1239 Louise Bruton Sportsworld B
12 1240 Orla Jordan Sportsworld B
13 1234 Eileen Dalton Sportsworld A
14 1242 Sarah McAteer Sportsworld B
15 1265 Bernie Stapleton 0/35 Lucan B
16 1251 Catherine O'Neill Sportsworld D
17 1226 Mary Butler 0/50 Blackrock A
18 1204 Bernie Corrie 0/45 Fingallians A
19 1255 Christine Sweeney Donore A
20 1205 Catherine Bennett Fingallians A
21 1241 Kim Masuda Sportsworld B
22 1238 Aileen Melody Sportsworld B
23 1246 Ann Jordan Sportsworld C
24 1212 Karen Morris 0/40 Fingallians B
25 1245 Anna Delaney Sportsworld C
26 1209 Barbara Tobin 0/40 Fingallians B
27 1216 Angela O'Dea Fingallians C
28 1259 Emer McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A
29 1267 Lorraine Heffernan0/35 Lucan B
30 1214 Paula Murray Fingallians C
31 1207 Anne Marie Dargan Fingallians B
32 1264 Deirdre Counihan 0/40 Lucan B
33 1280 Sinead McIntyre Lucan D
34 1268 Ursula Maher Lucan B
35 1206 Josie Power 0/55 Fingallians A
36 1278 Nicola Daly Lucan D
37 1228 Michelle ni Aoidh Blackrock A
38 1208 Siobhan Walsh Fingallians B
39 1462 Aoife Reilly Individual, Liffey Valley
40 1250 Catherine Gilmore Sportsworld D
41 1261 Amber Nugent Lucan A
42 1219 Sue Cullen Fingallians D
43 1230 Michelle Langan Blackrock A
44 1210 Therese Wall 0/50 Fingallians B
45 1211 Barbara McManus Fingallians B
46 1229 Helen Hennessy Blackrock A
47 1262 Brid Fogarty Lucan A
48 1274 Adrienne Sweeney Lucan C
49 1460 Bernie Doyle Individual Lucan
50 1254 Sue Lynch Donore A
51 1243 Jenny Maher Sportsworld C
52 1247 Laurence Delair Sportsworld C
53 1215 Linda Murray 0/40 Fingallians C
54 1220 Lorraine Friel Fingallians D
55 1227 Jennifer Lee 0/45 Blackrock A
56 1263 Maisie McGlone 0/40 Lucan A
57 1269 Patricia Daly 0/40 Lucan C
58 1213 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians C
59 1275 Ann Murtagh Lucan D
60 1218 Nicky McKay Fingallians C
61 1217 Sarah Evans Fingallians C
62 1222 Debbie O'Dea Fingallians D
63 1270 Ann McGee 0/60 Lucan C
64 1457 Carina McGoldrick Individual Lucan
65 1459 Anne Butler Individual
66 1223 Mary Keane 0/50 Fingallians D
67 1464 Shauna Griffin Individual Fingallians
68 1463 Carol Searle Individual Lucan
69 1454 Noelle Dunne 0/55 Individual Lucan
70 1272 Winifred Ryan Lucan C
71 Delia Ho Individual Crusaders
72 1249 Yvonne Callis Sportsworld D
73 1273 Susie Devaney 0/45 Lucan C
74 1461 Hilary Wright, 0/55 Individual Crusaders
75 1456 Marie Ryan Individual Fingallians
76 1221 Ciara Lee Fingallians D
77 1253 Maura Maughan Sportsworld D
78 1449 Manuelle Ratte Individual Crusaders
M&T Road League Team points after two races
LUCAN B 89 110 199
SPORTSWORLD C 106 105 211
DONORE A 102 Incomplete
LUCAN A 106 124 230
FINGALLIANS B 139 119 258
FINGALLIANS C 167 168 335
BLACKROCK A 169 143 312
FINGALLIANS D 249 224 473
LUCAN C 222 238 460
LUCAN D 223 Incomplete
Sunday 27 April 2008


Lorna Quinn of Sportsworld was a comfortable winner for the much-anticipated Meet & Train Summer League 2-Mile race hosted around the traffic-free paths of Griffeen Park by Lucan Harriers.
Lorna, who took a year off running to study, finished in 11 mins 56 secs and not even the fast -finishing Anne Ormsby of Fingallians could catch her.
Despite the last-minute notice of this race, large groups turned out from Sportsworld, Fingallians and Lucan, with representatives also running from Blackrock, Donore and Crusaders. Good to see a number of newcomers racing for the first time and big thanks to all who helped out. General verdict: great course, lovely cup of tea!
Next round over three miles will also take place in Lucan on Wednesday May 7, starting 8pm. Entry is Eu7 with spot prizes on the night and overall prizes for best individual and team performances after the final race.
Pictures now at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindie/sets/72157604759316007/
M&T Road 2008 LUCAN 2m Individual Results
PLACE Race No Name Team Time
1 1233 Lorna Quinn Sportsworld A 11.56
2 1201 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A 12.15
3 1235 Crona Brady Sportsworld A 12.22
4 1203 Bronagh Snow 0/40 Fingallians A 12.35
5 1202 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A 12.36
6 1232 Ciara Foster Sportsworld A 12.42
7 1258 Derval McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A 12.42
8 1231 Ann Higgins Sportsworld A 12.53
9 1239 Louise Bruton Sportsworld B 13.01
10 1234 Eileen Dalton Sportsworld A 13.05
11 1240 Orla Jordan Sportsworld B 13.06
12 1266 Freda Comiskey 0/35 Lucan B 13.07
13 1204 Bernie Corrie 0/45 Fingallians A 13.18
14 1244 Susan McDonnell Sportsworld C 13.19
15 1242 Sarah McAteer Sportsworld B 13:30
16 1226 Mary Butler 0/50 Blackrock A 13.31
17 1265 Bernie Stapleton 0/35 Lucan B 13.33
18 1257 Jill Dempsey Donore A 13:40
19 1256 Livia Ruiz Donore A 13.41
20 1255 Christine Sweeney Donore A 13.41
21 1205 Catherine Bennett Fingallians A 13.44
22 1245 Anna Delaney Sportsworld C 13.49
23 1241 Kim Masuda Sportsworld B 13.56
24 1246 Ann Jordan Sportsworld C 14:00
25 1260 Eithne Reid 0/40 Lucan A 14:00
26 1238 Aileen Melody Sportsworld B 14:06
27 1264 Deirdre Counihan 0/40 Lucan B 14.08
28 1212 Karen Morris 0/40 Fingallians B 14.16
29 1209 Barbara Tobin 0/40 Fingallians B 14.18
30 1214 Paula Murray Fingallians C 14.22
31 1237 Linda Killeen Sportsworld B 14.23
32 1259 Emer McCarthy 0/40 Lucan A 14.25
33 1268 Ursula Maher Lucan B 14:30
34 1267 Lorraine Heffernan0/35 Lucan B 14:30
35 1228 Michelle ni Aoidh Blackrock A 14.34
36 1206 Josie Power 0/55 Fingallians A 14.42
37 1451 Angela McEvoy Individual 14.49
38 1216 Angela O'Dea Fingallians C 14.51
39 1210 Therese Wall 0/50 Fingallians B 14.54
40 1278 Nicola Daly Lucan D 15.06
41 1453 Ro Charlton 0/35 Individual Lucan 15.08
42 1262 Brid Fogarty Lucan A 15.12
43 1211 Barbara McManus Fingallians B 15.16
44 1452 Deirdre Maxwell 0/35 Individual Blackrock 15.22
45 1254 Sue Lynch Donore A 15.26
46 1243 Jenny Maher Sportsworld C 15.43
47 1247 Laurence Delair Sportsworld C 15:50
48 1215 Linda Murray 0/40 Fingallians C 15.51
49 1269 Patricia Daly 0/40 Lucan C 15.54
50 1263 Maisie McGlone 0/40 Lucan A 16.11
51 1213 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians C 16.18
52 1229 Helen Hennessy Blackrock A 16.26
53 1272 Winifred Ryan Lucan C 17.06
54 1275 Ann Murtagh Lucan D 17.08
55 1455 Nina Farr Individual Lucan 17.22
56 1222 Debbie O'Dea Fingallians D 17:30
57 1270 Ann McGee 0/60 Lucan C 17:30
58 1249 Yvonne Callis Sportsworld D 18.08
59 1454 Noelle Dunne 0/55 Individual Lucan 18.23
60 1277 Siobhan O'Connor Lucan D 18.24
61 1223 Mary Keane 0/50 Fingallians D 18.25
62 1450 Maeve Hughes Individual 18.27
63 1273 Susie Devaney 0/45 Lucan C 18:46
64 1271 Barbara Whelan 0/45 Lucan C 18.52
65 1224 Deirdre Shiels 0/40 Fingallians D 18.53
66 1227 Jennifer Lee 0/45 Blackrock A 18.58
67 1221 Ciara Lee Fingallians D 19:20
68 1449 Manuelle Ratte Individual Crusaders 19.37
69 1276 Olivia Thomas Lucan D 19.43
Wednesday 19 March 2008
Great news - Lucan is to host Sunday's first round of the Meet and Train Summer League on Sunday next April 27 (11am). Distance is two miles so not a bit stretch for anyone who has been training for the mini marathon over the past few weeks.
Lucan have also come to the rescue for the second race over three miles, which will take place on Wednesday May 7 (8.00).
The final race and prizegiving will be based in the Donore sports centre, with the race in the Phoenix Park; date Wed May 21 (7.45).
* Apologies for the delay; the calendar is hugely busy this year.
* Don't forget - Sportsworld Dublin 5 Mile on Sunday May 18 at the new time of 12 noon.
Mini Marathon Build-Up Series; 2 Miles, Sun Apr
27 (11.0) Lucan; 3 miles, Wed May 7 (8.00) Lucan; 4 miles, Wed May
21, Phoenix Park (7.45).
PS: Volunteers to help out at all races welcome. Host clubs for future races also welcome.
Lucan have also come to the rescue for the second race over three miles, which will take place on Wednesday May 7 (8.00).
The final race and prizegiving will be based in the Donore sports centre, with the race in the Phoenix Park; date Wed May 21 (7.45).
* Apologies for the delay; the calendar is hugely busy this year.
* Don't forget - Sportsworld Dublin 5 Mile on Sunday May 18 at the new time of 12 noon.
Mini Marathon Build-Up Series; 2 Miles, Sun Apr
27 (11.0) Lucan; 3 miles, Wed May 7 (8.00) Lucan; 4 miles, Wed May
21, Phoenix Park (7.45).
PS: Volunteers to help out at all races welcome. Host clubs for future races also welcome.
Sunday 17 February 2008
Of course, Anne Ormsby of Fingallians had to be beaten sometime and despite a heroic effort it happened at the final Winter League, held in clear, crisp conditions at St Anne's Park, Raheny.
Mary Finn of Sportsworld had made the early break at the last round in Tymon Park, but despite an injury problem, Anne came back to win.
This time, there was no catching Mary, who was part of the leading group after the first of the mile laps. With 200m to go, it was clear that victory was hers. She crossed the line in 13 mins 28 secs, with Anne just six seconds adrift for second place. Third was Kathleen O'Callaghan of Sportworld, who had missed the previous race, while fourth was Bronagh Snow of Fingallians.
A lost car key meant the overall results couldn't be complied after the race as planned, but these are now available; see below. Anne Ormsby, with three wins from four, is clearly the winning individual, while Fingallians A just pipped Sportsworld A by a single point to win the diamond class. FIngallians B won the gold section; Blackrock B were best in silver and Lucan C in bronze.
All who completed three of the four races got a handy red rain jacket (very appropriate since the majority of clubs running M&T have some class of a red singlet. Clubs who wear other colours are of course very welcome to join in!)
Big thanks to our friends in Raheny Shamrocks for hosting the race and getting the use of the Cara Hall for registration and tea. We look forward to returning here for the first round of the Summer League over two miles on Sunday April 20(tbc), when hopefully some Northside runners (apart from Fingallians) will join in. Westsiders would also be welcome!
* Pics at http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindie/sets/72157603927316883/
Results (provisional):
M&T cc RACE 4 INDIV RAHENY 17/02/2008
PLACE Race No Name Team Time
1 1334 Mary Finn Sportsworld A 13.29
2 1309 Ann Ormsby Fingallians A 13.34
3 1333 Kathleen O'Callaghan Sportsworld A 13.45
4 1311 Bronagh Snow Fingallians A 13.56
5 1389 Derval McCarthy Lucan A 14.16
6 1337 Breda Browne Sportsworld B 14.21
7 490 Ciara Ind Sportsworld 14.28
8 1335 Ann Higgins Sportsworld A 14:40
9 1338 Orlagh Fleming Sportsworld B 14:50
10 1302 Mary Butler Blackrock A 14.51 0/50
11 1313 Fiona O'Brien Fingallians B 15.03
12 1349 Linda Killeen Sportsworld C 15.07
13 1396 Eithne Reid 0/40 Lucan B 15.12 0/40
14 1345 Orla Jordan Sportsworld D 15.15
15 1354 Anna Delaney Sportsworld F 15.16
16 490 Hazel Scorer Individual 15.18
17 1391 Bernie Stapleton Lucan A 15.21
18 1314 Mary Boyle Fingallians B 15.26
19 1316 Michelle Dargan Fingallians B 15.29
20 1355 Edel O'Connell Sportsworld F 15.29
21 1317 Catherine Bennett Fingallians C 15.34
22 1312 Bernie Corrie Fingallians A 15.35
23 1346 Kim Masuda Sportsworld D 15.36
24 1310 Cindy Hickey Fingallians A 15.43
25 1371 Christine Sweeney Donore A 15.45
26 1390 Freda Comiskey Lucan A 15.47
27 1347 Aileen Melody Sportsworld D 15.57
28 1315 Ann Marie Dargan Fingallians B 15.58
29 1400 Deirdre Counihan Lucan C 15.59
30 1307 Christine Goldrick Blackrock B 16.16
31 1320 Josie Power Fingallians C 16.18
32 1303 Jennifer Lee 0/40 Blackrock A 16.26 0/40
33 1393 Emer McCarthy 0/40 Lucan B 16.33 0/40
34 1306 Elaine Murray Blackrock B 16.34 0/45
35 1384 Sarah Heal Crusaders A 16.35
36 1304 Deirdre Maxwell 0/35 Blackrock A 16:37 0/35
37 1322 Therese Wall 0/45 Fingallians D 16:39 0/45
38 1362 Caitriona Parker Sportsworld H 16.42
39 1399 Claire Buckley Lucan C 16.43
40 491 Deirdre ni Chearbhaill Ind Crusaders 16.44
41 1383 Geraldine O'Shea Crusaders A 16.47
42 1328 Barbara McManus Fingallians E 16.51
43 1360 Rhona Campbell Sportsworld G 16.58
44 492 Angela McEvoy RTE 17:00
45 1321 Barbara Tobin Fingallians D 17.02
46 1359 Deborah O'Neill Sportsworld G 17.08
47 480 Paula Murray Ind Fingallians 17.11
48 1326 Susan Allen Fingallians E 17.16
49 1357 Claire Harrington Sportsworld G 17.18
50 1353 Jenny Maher Sportsworld F 17.19
51 1394 Amber Nugent Lucan B 17:20
52 1318 Karen Morris Fingallians C 17.21
53 1323 Sinead Flanagan Fingallians D 17:30
54 1397 Sinead Murphy Lucan C 17.47
55 *1324 Linda Murray Fingallians D 17.51
56 1402 Patricia Daly Lucan D 18.16 0/40
57 1381 Emma McAuley Crusaders A 18.18
58 1377 Sue Lynch Donore C 18.19
59 492 Olivia Hayes Ind Crusaders 18.23
60 1308 Eileen O'Sullivan Blackrock B 18.39 0/45
61 499 Sinead Guilfoyle Ind Blackrock 18.48
62 1398 Winifred Ryan Lucan C 18.55
63 *1332 Debbie O'Dea Fingallians E 19.13
64 493 Tania Banotti Individual 19.47
65 1404 Noelle Lucan D 20.08
66 1331 Ciara Lee Fingallians F 20.15
67 1401 Barbara Whelan Lucan D 20.22 0/50
68 1385 Chloe Gaine Crusaders B 20.28
69 *1329 Mary Keane Fingallians D 20.34
70 1330 Marie Ryan 0/50 Fingallians F 20.51 0/50
71 1388 Sinead Roche Crusaders B 20.56
72 1361 Yvonne Callis Sportsworld H 20.59
73 1386 Hillary Wright Crusaders B 21.54 0/55
74 1387 Manuelle Ratte Crusaders B 22.33
Overall league results - Teams:
1 Fingallians A 52
2 Sportsworld A 53
3 Sportsworld B 72
4 Lucan A 130
5 Blackrock A 184
1 Sportsworld D 188
2 Fingallians B 193
3 Sportsworld F 278
4 Lucan B 290
5 Fingallians C 312
1 Blackrock B 410
2 Sportsworld G 427
3 Crusaders A 434
4 Fingallians D 468
5 Sportsworld H 498
1 Lucan C 418
2 Fingallians E 517
3 Lucan D 595
4 Crusaders B 667
Overall winner: Ann Ormsby (Fin) 1,1,1,2
Individual entry: Ciara ( SW)
W35 Deirdre Maxwell (B'rock)
W40 Derval McCarthy (Lucan)
W45 Therese Wall (Fin)
W50 Mary Butler (B'rock)
W55 Hilary Wright (Crusaders
Sunday 20 January 2008


Anne Ormsby may have been suffering from sore knees but she showed no signs of it when she made it three from three in the M&T Winter League at Tymon Park, Templeogue, Dublin.
On the first lap. Mary Finn of host club Sportsworld pushed on hard and had built up quite a gap on the water-logged and muddy course, which many of the women found deceptively undulating (ie, it looked flat but it wasn't really).
But Anne is a past master at coming from behind and she did it again, racing away on the second of the two laps to cross the line in 13 mins 55 secs. Exactly 27 seconds behind was Mary Finn, with her Sportsworld Crona Byrne in third and Bronagh Snow of Fingallians fourth. Coming in almost together for fifth and sixth places were Derval McCarthy of Lucan and Sportsworld's Eileen Dalton.
Well done to Paddy and his team on a great race. Now all that remains is the Raheny round of the league in St Anne's Park on Sunday 17 February - that's after next Sunday's Axa Raheny 5 (3pm), which is the first of the year's major road races, with over 2,000 expected.
Entry is Eu15 online or Eu30 on the day. Parking is available at the big church in Raheny village; even better, take the bus or DART.
Tymon Park, Dublin - 1 A Ormsby (Fingallians) 13.55; 2 M Finn (Sportsworld) 14.22; 3 C Brady (Sportsworld) 14.38; 4 B Snow (Fingallians (14.54; 5 D McCarthy (Lucan) 15.09; 6 E Dalton (Sportsworld) 15.10.
Pics at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lindie/sets/72157603762447861/
Saturday 12 January 2008
Team Update After Two Rounds
Still all to run for with two rounds left; best three results from four to count.
Fingallians A 24 (13 + 11)
Sportsworld A incomplete (12 + O)
Sportsworld B 45 (18 + 27)
Lucan A 94 (47 + 47)
Blackrock A 106 (48 + 58)
Sportsworld D 124 (56 + 68)
Fingallians B 150(78+72)
Sportsworld E incomplete (0 + 72)
Donore A incomplete (73 + 0)
Sportsworld F 193 (95 + 98)
Lucan B 193 (86 + 107)
Sportsworld G incomplete (150 + 0)
Blackrock B 324 (168 + 156)
Donore B 325 (161 + 164)
Sportsworld H 340 (175 + 165)
Fingallians D 350 (178 + 172)
Crusaders A 353 (175 + 178)
Fingallians E 350 (178 + 172)
Lucan C 334 (184 + 150)
Donore C incomplete (183 + 0)
Lucan D 431 (219 + 212)
Sportsworld I incomplete ( 0 + 221)
Fingallians F incomplete (236 + 0 )
Crusaders B 493 (250 + 243)
Fingallians A 24 (13 + 11)
Sportsworld A incomplete (12 + O)
Sportsworld B 45 (18 + 27)
Lucan A 94 (47 + 47)
Blackrock A 106 (48 + 58)
Sportsworld D 124 (56 + 68)
Fingallians B 150(78+72)
Sportsworld E incomplete (0 + 72)
Donore A incomplete (73 + 0)
Sportsworld F 193 (95 + 98)
Lucan B 193 (86 + 107)
Sportsworld G incomplete (150 + 0)
Blackrock B 324 (168 + 156)
Donore B 325 (161 + 164)
Sportsworld H 340 (175 + 165)
Fingallians D 350 (178 + 172)
Crusaders A 353 (175 + 178)
Fingallians E 350 (178 + 172)
Lucan C 334 (184 + 150)
Donore C incomplete (183 + 0)
Lucan D 431 (219 + 212)
Sportsworld I incomplete ( 0 + 221)
Fingallians F incomplete (236 + 0 )
Crusaders B 493 (250 + 243)
Tymon Park Venue for Winter League Rd 3
The venue for the next Meet & Train Winter League race on Sunday January 20 (11am start) has changed to Tymon Park in Templeogue because of problems with the field at Terenure College.
As an alternative, Paddy from Sportsworld has secured Faughs GAA Club on Wellington Lane (behind the Spawell) as race HQ. Even better, this time they won't charge us for the tea and biscuits!
* Newcomers - especially those of you who have made New Year's resolutions to get fit - are more than welcome to come along and run/walk.
As an alternative, Paddy from Sportsworld has secured Faughs GAA Club on Wellington Lane (behind the Spawell) as race HQ. Even better, this time they won't charge us for the tea and biscuits!
* Newcomers - especially those of you who have made New Year's resolutions to get fit - are more than welcome to come along and run/walk.
Results Winter Lge Rd 2, Lucan
RACE 2, LUCAN, 09/12/2007,
1, 1309, Ann Ormsby, Fingallians A, 12:30,
2, 1333, Kathleen O'Callaghan, Sportsworld A, 12.33,
3, 1311, Bronagh Snow, Fingallians A, 13:00,
4, 1301, Louise Keogh, Blackrock A, 13:10,
5, 1389, Derval McCarthy, Lucan A, 13:31,
6, 1338, Orlagh Fleming, Sportsworld B, 13.33,
7, 1310, Cindy Hickey, Fingallians A, 13.34,
8, 490, Ciara??, Ind, 13.36,
9, 1340, Sarah McAteer, Sportsworld B, 13.37,
10, 1336, Louise Nolan, Sportsworld A, 13.43,
*11 , 1349, Linda OR Helen1343, SportsworldC/E/wrong no?, 13.49,
12, 1339, Eileen Dalton, Sportsworld B, 13:50,
13, 494, Clare Sullivan, Clonliffe, 13.57,
14, 1302, Mary Butler, Blackrock A, 13.59,
15, 1312, Bernie Corrie, Fingallians A, 14.02,
16, 1348, Louise Bruton, Sportsworld D, 14.04,
17, 1391, Bernie Stapleton, Lucan A, 14.09,
18, 1354, Anna Delaney, Sportsworld F, 14.13,
19, 1351, Amy Fitzgerald, Sportsworld E, 14.23,
20, 1313, Fiona O'Brien, Fingallians B, 14:30,
21, 1314, Mary Boyle, Fingallians B, 14.32,
22, 1370, Annette Crehan, Donore A, 14.33,
23, 1355, Edel O'Connell, Sportsworld F, 14.34,
24, 1345, Orla Jordan, Sportsworld D, 14.36,
25, 1390, Freda Comiskey, Lucan A, 14.38,
26, 1352, Sibeal Waldron, Sportsworld E, 14:39,
27, 1350, Ann Jordan, Sportsworld E, 14.43,
28, 1347, Aileen Melody, Sportsworld D, 14.46,
29, 1400, Deirdre Counihan, Lucan C, 14.48,
30, 1393, Emer McCarthy, Lucan B, 14.55,
31, 1316, Michelle Dargan, Fingallians B, 14.58,
32, 1346, Kim Masuda, Sportsworld D, 15:00,
33, 493, Pauline Dennigan, Donore Ind, 15.08,
34, 1395, Myra Nolan, Lucan B, 15.1,
35, 500, Eithne Skully, Blackrock Ind, 15.17,
36, 1320, Josie Power, Fingallians C, 15:20,
37, 1317, Catherine Bennett, Fingallians C, 15.21,
38, 1318, Karen Morris, Fingallians C, 15.25,
39, 1375, Aoife Ruane, Donore B, 15.29,
40, 1303, Jennifer Lee, Blackrock A, 15.31,
41, 1392, Loraine Heffernan, Lucan A, 15.33,
42, 1362, Caitriona Parker, Sportsworld H, 15.39,
43, 1394, Amber Nugent, Lucan B, 15:40,
44, 1307, Christine Goldrick, Blackrock B, 15.42,
45, 1322, Therese Wall, Fingallians D, 15.47,
46, 1357, Claire Harrington, Sportsworld G, 15.51,
47, 1304, Deirdre Maxwell, Blackrock A, 15.51,
48, 1306, Elaine Murray, Blackrock B, 15.52,
49, 1315, Ann Marie Dargan, Fingallians B, 15.52,
50, 1360, Rhona Campbell, Sportsworld G, 15.57,
51, 1328, Barbara McManus, Fingallians E, 16:00,
52, 1321, Barbara Tobin 0/40, Fingallians D, 16.03,
53, 1384, Sarah Heal, Crusaders A, 16.05,
54, ??, ??, ??, 16.07,
55, 1383, Geraldine O'Shea, Crusaders A, 16:10,
56, 1364, Clare Doyle, Sportsworld H, 16.17,
57, 1353, Jenny Maher, Sportsworld F, 16:20,
58, 1399, Claire Buckley, Lucan C, 16.25,
59, 1374, Jennifer O'Keeffe, Donore B, 16.28,
60, 1377, Sue Lynch, Donore C, 16.32,
61, 1368, Majella, Sportsworld I, 16:40,
62, 499, Sinead Guilfoyle, Blackrock Ind, 16.53,
63, 1397, Sinead Murphy, Lucan C, 16.56,
64, 1308, Eileen O'Sullivan, Blackrock B, 16.58,
65, 1379, Mary Murphy, Donore C, 17:00,
66, 1376, Eilis Hennessy, Donore B, 17.02,
67, 1363, Laurence Delair, Sportsworld H, 17.06,
68, 1327, Natalie Maher, Fingallians E, 17.07,
69, 1402, Patricia Daly, Lucan D, 17.12,
70, 1382, Mary Donnelly, Crusaders A, 18:00,
71, 1404, Noelle, Lucan D, 18.02,
72, 1403, Susie Devaney, Lucan D, 18.02,
73, 492, Olivia Hayes, Crusaders Ind, 18.03,
74, 1332, Debbie O'Dea, Fingallians E, 18.23,
75, 1329, Mary Keane, Fingallians F, 18.35,
76, 1398, Winifred Ryan, Lucan C, 18.38,
77, 1367, Teresa Leahy, Sportsworld I, 18.48,
78, 1401, Barbara Whelan, Lucan D, 19.28,
79, 1361, Yvonne Callis, Sportsworld H, 19:30,
80, 1388, Sinead Roche, Crusaders B, 19:31,
81, 1386, Hillary Wright 0/55, Crusaders B, 19.57,
82, 1387, Manuelle Ratte, Crusaders B, 20.16,
83, 1366, Megan Farrell, Sportsworld I, 20.34,
1, 1309, Ann Ormsby, Fingallians A, 12:30,
2, 1333, Kathleen O'Callaghan, Sportsworld A, 12.33,
3, 1311, Bronagh Snow, Fingallians A, 13:00,
4, 1301, Louise Keogh, Blackrock A, 13:10,
5, 1389, Derval McCarthy, Lucan A, 13:31,
6, 1338, Orlagh Fleming, Sportsworld B, 13.33,
7, 1310, Cindy Hickey, Fingallians A, 13.34,
8, 490, Ciara??, Ind, 13.36,
9, 1340, Sarah McAteer, Sportsworld B, 13.37,
10, 1336, Louise Nolan, Sportsworld A, 13.43,
*11 , 1349, Linda OR Helen1343, SportsworldC/E/wrong no?, 13.49,
12, 1339, Eileen Dalton, Sportsworld B, 13:50,
13, 494, Clare Sullivan, Clonliffe, 13.57,
14, 1302, Mary Butler, Blackrock A, 13.59,
15, 1312, Bernie Corrie, Fingallians A, 14.02,
16, 1348, Louise Bruton, Sportsworld D, 14.04,
17, 1391, Bernie Stapleton, Lucan A, 14.09,
18, 1354, Anna Delaney, Sportsworld F, 14.13,
19, 1351, Amy Fitzgerald, Sportsworld E, 14.23,
20, 1313, Fiona O'Brien, Fingallians B, 14:30,
21, 1314, Mary Boyle, Fingallians B, 14.32,
22, 1370, Annette Crehan, Donore A, 14.33,
23, 1355, Edel O'Connell, Sportsworld F, 14.34,
24, 1345, Orla Jordan, Sportsworld D, 14.36,
25, 1390, Freda Comiskey, Lucan A, 14.38,
26, 1352, Sibeal Waldron, Sportsworld E, 14:39,
27, 1350, Ann Jordan, Sportsworld E, 14.43,
28, 1347, Aileen Melody, Sportsworld D, 14.46,
29, 1400, Deirdre Counihan, Lucan C, 14.48,
30, 1393, Emer McCarthy, Lucan B, 14.55,
31, 1316, Michelle Dargan, Fingallians B, 14.58,
32, 1346, Kim Masuda, Sportsworld D, 15:00,
33, 493, Pauline Dennigan, Donore Ind, 15.08,
34, 1395, Myra Nolan, Lucan B, 15.1,
35, 500, Eithne Skully, Blackrock Ind, 15.17,
36, 1320, Josie Power, Fingallians C, 15:20,
37, 1317, Catherine Bennett, Fingallians C, 15.21,
38, 1318, Karen Morris, Fingallians C, 15.25,
39, 1375, Aoife Ruane, Donore B, 15.29,
40, 1303, Jennifer Lee, Blackrock A, 15.31,
41, 1392, Loraine Heffernan, Lucan A, 15.33,
42, 1362, Caitriona Parker, Sportsworld H, 15.39,
43, 1394, Amber Nugent, Lucan B, 15:40,
44, 1307, Christine Goldrick, Blackrock B, 15.42,
45, 1322, Therese Wall, Fingallians D, 15.47,
46, 1357, Claire Harrington, Sportsworld G, 15.51,
47, 1304, Deirdre Maxwell, Blackrock A, 15.51,
48, 1306, Elaine Murray, Blackrock B, 15.52,
49, 1315, Ann Marie Dargan, Fingallians B, 15.52,
50, 1360, Rhona Campbell, Sportsworld G, 15.57,
51, 1328, Barbara McManus, Fingallians E, 16:00,
52, 1321, Barbara Tobin 0/40, Fingallians D, 16.03,
53, 1384, Sarah Heal, Crusaders A, 16.05,
54, ??, ??, ??, 16.07,
55, 1383, Geraldine O'Shea, Crusaders A, 16:10,
56, 1364, Clare Doyle, Sportsworld H, 16.17,
57, 1353, Jenny Maher, Sportsworld F, 16:20,
58, 1399, Claire Buckley, Lucan C, 16.25,
59, 1374, Jennifer O'Keeffe, Donore B, 16.28,
60, 1377, Sue Lynch, Donore C, 16.32,
61, 1368, Majella, Sportsworld I, 16:40,
62, 499, Sinead Guilfoyle, Blackrock Ind, 16.53,
63, 1397, Sinead Murphy, Lucan C, 16.56,
64, 1308, Eileen O'Sullivan, Blackrock B, 16.58,
65, 1379, Mary Murphy, Donore C, 17:00,
66, 1376, Eilis Hennessy, Donore B, 17.02,
67, 1363, Laurence Delair, Sportsworld H, 17.06,
68, 1327, Natalie Maher, Fingallians E, 17.07,
69, 1402, Patricia Daly, Lucan D, 17.12,
70, 1382, Mary Donnelly, Crusaders A, 18:00,
71, 1404, Noelle, Lucan D, 18.02,
72, 1403, Susie Devaney, Lucan D, 18.02,
73, 492, Olivia Hayes, Crusaders Ind, 18.03,
74, 1332, Debbie O'Dea, Fingallians E, 18.23,
75, 1329, Mary Keane, Fingallians F, 18.35,
76, 1398, Winifred Ryan, Lucan C, 18.38,
77, 1367, Teresa Leahy, Sportsworld I, 18.48,
78, 1401, Barbara Whelan, Lucan D, 19.28,
79, 1361, Yvonne Callis, Sportsworld H, 19:30,
80, 1388, Sinead Roche, Crusaders B, 19:31,
81, 1386, Hillary Wright 0/55, Crusaders B, 19.57,
82, 1387, Manuelle Ratte, Crusaders B, 20.16,
83, 1366, Megan Farrell, Sportsworld I, 20.34,
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